H.e.l.f.a. is the acronym for "Helfa engage lovingly for All".
H.e.l.fa. is an initiative that started small on September 6, 2020 and has been growing ever since.
The fundamental question on which the moving project idea H.e.l.fa. is based is how we can connect all people and create a new form of community. The basis of this community is founded on a togetherness of humanity, trust and compassion.
Already among indigenous peoples, all members of the community were respected and included in the concerns of the tribe. The stronger ones took care of the weaker ones. Ideas and decisions were discussed and implemented together. Everyone contributed themselves and their skills to serve the community.
Other examples from recent history are the cohesion of the former GDR citizens or the selfless commitment of people for each other during natural disasters. Another example is Rojava: In this area in Syria, Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen, Armenians and Chechens live together peacefully and all practice their faith without experiencing discrimination. So peaceful coexistence even among different faiths is possible if we humans can and want to allow it.
Likewise, the "classic" neighborhood help, gift societies, Ubuntu or non-profit associations are living examples of human coexistence. In all these communities, help and support in any form were and are common practice.
The vision that we want to realize with H.e.l.f.a. has therefore already been tested in the most diverse ways.
Underlying all of this is the longing, deeply anchored in us humans since time immemorial, for genuine belonging to a community. The H.e.l.f.a. project aims to give more expression and meaning to this basic human need. With a lived togetherness in solidarity with our fellow men we want to counteract loneliness, separation, anonymization and discrimination and thus actively work on a more beautiful and livable future. All that is needed is a decision and the willingness to take more responsibility for one's life and the life in the community.
What is new about the H.e.l.f.a. approach is that we strive for real and practical help with global networking through the Internet. Because only if all people around the world stick together, we will succeed in replacing the old system with humanity.
So our vision is to unite old and proven concepts with new ideas and to bring them to new life together with many Helfas.
Furthermore H.e.l.f.a. stands for a giving society, which ideally works without money. In doing so, we draw on many tried and tested methods and ways of life. These include the behavior of ancient tribes living in harmony with nature, psychological knowledge and spirituality, as well as the OpenSource / OpenAccess idea, which has gained acceptance for transparent and freely available information in the computer world.
H.e.l.f.a. actively deals with the question in which world and value community we want to live.
For some, this way of thinking and acting may be unfamiliar and new at the beginning - man is a creature of habit. But let us start NOW to build together a new world in which we live humanity.
We invite you to join us in creating a new community of values in which we all feel comfortable.
So that we have a common basis despite all our differences, H.e.l.f.a. has four basic rules on which H.e.l.f.a. is built.
Political View
Politics and political content
Questions are repeatedly asked about how we deal with political issues, what position we take.
From our understanding, political issues, as well as parties or other politically oriented institutions, are more interested in acting in a purely ideological and power-centered way, so that this unsettles and divides the population. For example, forcing a person who does not hurt other people to do something that he or she dislikes goes in the direction of dictatorship and torture, and thus inhumanity.
Therefore Helfa will not officially comment on explosive topics.
Of course, topics will be discussed and thus ideas, thoughts and opinions will be exchanged. Because it is important that all relevant topics are discussed and that each person can form his opinion.
In this context, appreciation, respect and acceptance of different views are important to us. Because if people no longer talk about content, but ideologically determine what may be thought or said, then it restricts finding solutions. We at Helfa want to initiate projects, shape life and think and act creatively.
Helfa tries to connect and is tolerant towards all people and different opinions.
Because: We have to think differently to overcome the problems of society on this earth. Different thoughts, experiences and approaches to topics as well as projects is enriching. If we all thought the same way, we would all fail at the same problem. We want people to think differently. We want problems to be looked at from different angles. Only then can we get a more complete picture of the situation. We also try to reflect that in our handbook.
Only if solutions are implemented in the spirit of co-humanity and do not violate human rights or other personal rights will they be successful in the long term.
We are convinced that a free development of people leads them to grow beyond themselves. We prefer the intrinsic motivation with which every child in the world is born. This is based on curiosity, desire, love and the humanity to help others.
The 10 principles show that it is important to us that we all work together and not against each other - so let's create a world that unites us all - not just just humans, but all living beings.
But to make it very clear again:
We are NOT political and we are against any kind of discrimination, segregation and divisiveness. For us, exclusion only takes place when it puts other people in danger or otherwise attacks them, and that is the last possibility that should be considered. Before that, we should use our attentiveness and communication skills to be able to prevent possible discrimination etc. at an early stage