The safety of deanonymization and group structure.
Through the Internet, we have gained huge opportunities, but new dangers also lurk. For example, global networking has finally given us the ability to communicate across the globe. But through all this progress we have not dealt with human nature and have not had any discussion about what is technically feasible, but how we can best integrate it. So at the moment our actions are determined almost exclusively by profit.
For this reason, we have reconsidered this and have come to the conclusion that we want to use the network with all its advantages, but compensate for the disadvantages. Thus, man has a security criterion that not even money can outweigh: Getting to know each other in person. There is nothing safer than meeting and feeling with all my senses who my counterpart is. People who have forgotten this can learn it again. When we know each other, we can tell what we can or can't do. The better we get to know each other, the more trust can be built. This trust can be destroyed, but it still teaches us to improve our own strategy and to deal with our problems. Therefore, one of the most important principles is to get to know each other in real life. While the Internet is used as a communication platform, it should always be the second choice whenever possible. We call getting to know each other in person "deanonymizing."
Since we can't get to know everyone, we take people with their natural limitations and map them in the project:
The most important thing is to accept that no two people are the same. Each person has different talents, abilities and tolerances and that is why each Helfa group is autonomous - they decide for themselves how big they will grow and what they will do. However, there is a growth limit and they have set this to a maximum of 200 members per group. This is definitely not the optimum and the groups are welcome to take less. So far, it has turned out that the number between 80 and 120 is optimal - That may change at some point. This creates a "decentralized - centralized" structure where each group has its own center and is autonomous at the same time. This by the way is a strategy we will see again and again when it comes to Helfa. Because whether it's power grids, the internet, doctors, etc. a decentralized centralized structure has the advantages of both worlds ...